I am reading
The Secret of the Stairs, by
Wade E. Taylor, and feeling drawn. I shared this passage from this book with two people I dearly love, that are experiencing some really intense refinement.
"We are the "product" that He is producing. He is working in our lives with the specific goal of making us conformable to the image and likeness of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
'For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son' Romans 8:29a
In our day, the Lord is brining forth a people who are willing to be tested and proven in order to become all He has determined them to be, that they might be able to buy of Him "gold tried in the fire" Rev 3:18a. He is searching for those who are not spiritually lazy, or content to rest in the blessings and gifts of the Spirit, which they have freely received.
There are those who are willing to go into the wilderness and face intense hunger until they are fed by the Lord Himself. Afterwards, these will come forth victorious in the power of the Spirit to rise into this higher realm of identity with Him." (p 20)