Sunday, June 14, 2009

the tree

The maple tree in our yard is perfect for climbing.

The kids love to climb. My girl has been able to monkey herself into it for years. Not so, my boy.

Last year, he was certain that this summer he'd be able to get up into it himself. On the first nice day of the year, my girl climbed up to her favorite perch. My boy, excited at the prospect of FINALLY being able to climb up himself, tried his hand at it. And couldn't do it. Was he discouraged? Yes. He was. (He tends to be a little glass-half-spilled-onto-the-floor.)

We've been giving him lots of encouragement. Advice. Tips. Tricks. Pointers.


He would try and fail and say he'd never try again. He would never ever ever never be able to it. *slumped shoulders, frowny face*

Today was a nice day. We were outside. He tried again. He failed again.

But today, he kept trying.

And today, he did it. He pulled himself up and called for his daddy to come and see.

"How do you think of this?" He boasted. *head shaking side to side*

"Way to go! We knew you could do it!" We all told him.

"You know what I did?" He said, "I prayed to God. I said, 'Please let me do it this time.' And you know what? I didn't do it that time. But I kept on, and He let me do it a few times after that time."
. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wow. That is my life. I pray, PLEASE let it happen right now in my own way and in my own time. And you know what? Things (almost) never happen in my own way, in my own time. Should that discourage me? No way. Because sometimes He lets them happen a few times after...and every time it happens for the best.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 (New International Version)


peeking out villa villekulla said...

If he would have gotten up the first time it would have been because he had grown enough over the winter.

He knows now that he can't do it on his own. But he knows the One who is "able to give good gifts" and who hears us.

what a wonderful lesson to learn especially at the age of four!

nonna said...

Can't wait to watch and join in the cheering. What a wonderful, and awesome God we serve...and what a wonderful little example our little boy is of the faith I need. Thanks for the encouraging words! 1437