Having one of those days....those poor, poor pitiful me days.
The ones where you feel like a super loser. Where you can't shake your mind from all the stupid things you've ever done....and then feel embarrassed about all the embarrassing things you've ever done.
Where you replay conversations in your mind, emphasizing all the parts that make you look a fool.
When you look about your home and see only the projects that you want to complete...you look in the mirror and see only the things you wish to change....look at your situation and see what it isn't.
Where nothing seems to go quite right. And even though you recognize the familiar turns of this road well travelled, you can't exactly snap yourself back around.
But then you remember Who's you are. And you remember what you have. And you start to see the glass half full beginning to refill....
.....and you bake a pan of blondies and the sun comes out.
This is my life. Verbatim.
I say.... PAINT!
Or sew....
Do some Christmas things.
Think about handmade christmas '09.
Or come over.
Leave little Debbie alone. She's a trashy friend who is nice to your face but ends up being awful behind your back ;)
(I ate all the little Debbies yesterday.)
I echo anonymous' comment. I was just kicking myself today for the massive embarrassment I've caused myself and wondered how many people were fully aware of my embarrassing actions. Pass the blondie cake.
ugh. i hate those days. wish i could throw them down the garbage disposal (if i had one).
you need to read a little book called Mrs. Biddlebox by Linda Smith, it's in the children's section. She takes her bad day and mixes it up and bakes it into a cake.
I think I will bake some peanut butter cookies! (all this talk of baking on Holly's blog...which is how I got here) And now yours!lol:o)
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