Tuesday, November 13, 2007

In a word...

...if you could describe yourself in only one word, what would it be?

I've been thinking on that {for no real or logical reason} this morning.

Me. In one word: Jazzy.

You know, the word itself seems kinda fun and weird all at once.

Plus, it's fun to say. Jazzy. Jazzy. Snazzy. Oh. Maybe I'm snazzy. I like that one, too.

How about you? In one word...


Anonymous said...

Jazz Hands to you, Katie! I tagged you for a meme over at my blog.If I had to describe myself in one word it would be neurotic.

Brambleberry said...

Hah! Perhaps it's just the stage of life right now...right? :)

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking..this is sad I can't think of anything. Maybe I'll be back when my brain is in gear..lol