Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm invited

I received this very lucrative invitation today. If the lure of 5% cashback on my purchases wasn't enough to entice me, surely this pleather key chain would seal the deal. It's even made in China.


Betty said...

Just what you needed!! LOL

redeemed diva said...

Hahahahaha! Those big card companies know how to reel you in. Now all they need to do is send you a picture of a beautiful beach and an empty lounge chair facing the ocean with the words, "This, too, could be yours...if you'd only choose to DISCOVER." hahahaha! Too funny.
Way to go for not being sucked in by their very uncouth ruse.

Linda said...

Oooh, I didn't get that "invitation" I got a different one from them. 3.9% interest (introductory of course)... and no pleather key chain either, I feel cheated! lol

redeemed diva said...

In case you didn't rock. Thanks for the comment on the blog. I'm amusing myself with the sock puppets! ha. Thanks again.

. said...

How can you resist?
I'll add you to my prayers in the "patience" deptartment... creatively though,so we avoid being put into situations that require that possible?
Enjoy your day,
~laura d.

Beyond Bibb's Store said...

Wonderful blog....great images....I love the baklava macro.

Think about the good that could be done with the cost of the zillions of credit card come-ons......

Anonymous said...
