Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Things I never thought I'd {have to} say....

I mean, seriously:

"Please don't lick the walls."

"Please don't lick the windows."

"Please don't lick the railing."


Unknown said...

it is called "CABIN FEVER" it brings out the animal in all of us!!Go figure!!???

peeking out villa villekulla said...

Is Aaron doing that AGAIN!?! ha.

Unknown said...

Last night I said,

Please don't lick the tub.

Is it genetic? I suppose it can't be because mine get it from their father. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL! If it makes you feel any better, my 3-year-old nephew is doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Why would you ever think you would not need to make those statements? I never thought I would have to say not to put spilled ketchup back in the bottle either... = ]

Betty said...

Ahhh the joys of raising children!
And why would anyone have to be told not to put empty milk cartons back in the fridge?? 'The telling' just doesn't go away even when they grow up..just different things..