Thursday, January 31, 2008

So how cool is this?

I just added a little thingy to the side bar of the page. This really cool gal is making these grocery bags out of heavy-duty rice bags that would normally be added to the landfill. Instead, she has sewn them into durable FUNCTIONAL shopping bags. AND! Proceeds go to benefit an Orphanage in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Read more about it here. Be sure to order a bag, or 7.

---editing to say, that her shop is closed until March 1st, will put the widget back up then---


Betty said...

That is so cool! In our town we have some ladies making shopping bags and purses out of plastic grocery bags.

Anonymous said...

It says sold out right now. I need to change that. But they're not really sold out. I've just sold all that I've had made up.

Thanks for putting this on your blog. I may need to rethink this though - shipping is a bigger chunk then I guesstimated.

btw, I got a stat hit from this blog from someone in Daleville, Alabama. We lived in that area for a short time a couple years ago.