Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the mom voice

This morning the kids had a few minutes to play before heading off to school. I love to eavesdrop on them. It's so much fun to hear how their minds work. Gives me such pleasure that they get along so well. Most of the time.

My son is usually in charge of playing the poisonous snakes, crashing vehicles, wild animals, etc. He is the bit that interrupts the wedding ceremonies, the storm upsetting the calm. He's a brother. It's his job to unsettle things. My girl has known him the entire time he's been alive, so she embraces this. She works him in to the scene. It's choreography. It's beautiful. It works. Usually.

Today, was a good day. A bit different. For whatever reason, he had to be the Mom AND the poisonous snakes. My girl's character called for the Mother, and my boy answered using what he deemed an appropriate Mom voice. It was very high pitched, syrupy sweet, full of love. (Which is exactly how I wasn't surprising that he drew inspiration from what he knows.) *snicker*

A few moments later, he was relieved of his that he could fully focus his energy on the snakes. Now it was my girl's turn to be the Mom.

This time, when the Mom was called upon, however, the voice had changed. A lot. Now the Mom was angry. Crabby. Bossy. Short tempered. More Wicked Step-Mother than Loving Doting Mother. It stopped me in my tracks.

Now, if my boy was using me as the example for the Mom, who was my girl using? A neighbor? A teacher? Someone from a movie? I just can't figure that one out. Very curious.

(I can't help but feel like a personal conviction is knocking on my door. I think I'll have to send it across the street.)


nichelle said...

this is so funny! i just love your blog! i love to listen to my kids while playing..."the mom voices" were hilarious! my personal favorite is when the power rangers tame a wild "my little poney"...or when a disney princess falls in love with spiderman....

Anonymous said...

thanks, love to keep up with the little darlings
fortunately the turkey vulture didn't come and disrupt their play :)

emily freeman said...

Monster Mommy rears her ugly head around here a lot lately. Not sure what that's about...I do wonder why their Mom voices aren't more often monstery, though. I guess I should be thankful. I am saving for the therapy bills they will inevitably have because of me when they get older.

Anonymous said...

Just be thankful there are no antique 'tape rocorders' going as you begin your day - a little something to remind you when you are now grandma, of when you were Mommy Dearest = [ Would be great to capture some of those little voices though, and hear them again and again. Can't wait until there is another little voice added to the stories : ) 1437!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure she got it from Caillou.

Lynda Meyers said...

I would comment tongue in cheek, but instead I want to tell you that I think you're an amazing mom. No matter how you're imitated, you are doing the most important things - being there, loving them, caring for their most basic needs...

As you care for this new addition, remember that even in the wee hours of the night, when you think you're just doing what you can to get them back to sleep, you're really speaking love and trust and safety into their tiny spirits - the assurance that when they cry or are in need, someone will always be there for them - even when it's inconvenient.