Friday, July 20, 2007

Serenity Now

It's one of those days. The kids seem to want to make sure all the old boundaries are the same (Surprise! They still are!). Runs me a bit ragged. This is what calms me down. Paintings that aren't really anything. I mean, I could conjure up the self that was once an art student and come up with some really wonderful explanation for all that these ended up being...but frankly, there is no wonderful explanation. Unless it's to say that Mommy needed just a little break from reality, and what better way than to squirt a little paint on top of some canvas that used to be something else...until that wild hair sprung...the straw broke...and the new bottles of paint caught the corner of my eye. Or, if you'd like; the yellow symbolizes chaos, the blue and green are the chaos becoming serenity, and the splashes of red, energy spontaneously erupting.

(Which ever suits your fancy.)


Anonymous said...

Oooooooooooooh, love!!!!

Unknown said...

very very nice, anything you want to trade???

Tam I Am said...

Beautiful art. No boundaries.

Anonymous said...

I love them! I'm not so sure how the Peaches & Cream is going to help, but I can't wait to see what you, the designer (how can you be a designer and not care about looks? lol) do with it! I love what you've already DONE with the arrangement. You need to come cutify MY stuff.

Sarri said...

Wow! Come to my house next, please????

Smellyann said...

LOL - Thanks, Visty!! This is supposed to be for {wip}, Katie! ;)

Smellyann said...

and LOL again - Visty posted my comment for me as the original 'Melanie' here, when it wouldn't let me post. Are you caught up with us now? :D

Brambleberry said...

you guys crack me up! I gotcha!