Saturday, June 21, 2008

rummage sailing and profound thoughts

My girl and I got up this morning and decided to go check out some rummage sales. Before we left home, I had her clean up her room and make some mental notes. We don't want to be adding any unnecessary things to the mix. We prayed for wisdom. Grabbed our monies and off we went.

On the way, I asked her what it was that she would be looking for today. What she thought she would want.

"I think I'll have to see it before I want it," she told me.

It struck me. Profound thoughts from the mind of my six year old. She had no needs or wants just then, but once she saw something, THEN she would need it.

How many times do I do that? A million? I'll be perfectly content. Then find myself in a store and see something. Something that I didn't know existed. But something I cannot exist that I've seen it.

It felt like something was being written on my heart. Work on this. Practice contentment.

Our shopping proved fruitful. I found some wonderful fabric for pennies. Practical. I will use it all. My girl found beanie babies. She only had two prior to this, and now has more. And a few clothes. A cute dress, some skirts and tops, all at $.50 a piece. And she paid for them all herself. So, while the beanies aren't my favorite, I'm glad they aren't Polly's or Barbies or Ponies. Something new. I think I'll convince her to eliminate something to make room for these new treasures.

We're both learning today.


Unknown said...

this is great seed planting for when she is 14 - 65 years old ( after 65 we should know by then what we want or need without thinking??!!) so when something comes into our viual world we will have the sense by then to know~~ RIGHT ON!!! or NO NO NO!!! May the lessons of today be the wisdom of her's tomorrow! Love Aunti Cook

Unknown said...

OOOPS! I read after posting it and made mistake- meant visual world! sorry!

Mrs. MK said...

great post! Don't kids get the nitty gritty of human nature?

We went yard sailing today, a very rare occurence. It was a blast.

Anonymous said...

I have to remind myself to practice what I preach. We were in a store with the kids the other day, and while I saw lots of stuff I'd like to have, I contained myself. I told them out loud that I liked it, but wouldn't use it enough, or that I liked it but don't need to have it in our house. It was hard, though. But how could I tell them no toys and then grab a bunch of kitchenware for myself?